Program at a glance
Work experience
Study options
Open to International
8 months
Take your first steps in your own community
Start in September
Acquire the academic skills, knowledge and credentials to move towards higher education and/or a career in the field of human services. This certificate program prepares you to earn the admission requirements you'll need to pursue college or university-level studies.

Upgrade your education
Taught at the Saanich Adult Education Centre near Brentwood Bay, you get the best of both community and college worlds.
Designed for Indigenous* students, Indigenous College Prep (ICP) program supports and prepares you to get the admission requirements you need to enter other college programs and pursue university-level studies.
Located in Victoria, BC, traditional territory of the Coast and Straits Salish peoples, Camosun welcomes 1,100 Indigenous students each year.
Support from community
ICP is delivered primarily in community at the Saanich Adult Education Centre, part of the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board located on the Tsartlip First Nation near Brentwood Bay. One course is held at Lansdowne campus in the winter semester offering an opportunity to experience college life on campus.
Students will receive help and guidance from learning skills and career readiness specialists, Indigenous advisors and Elders.
What you’ll learn
In addition to increasing academic skills, you’ll have opportunities to explore your strengths and gifts as you develop personal, career and educational goals.
You'll be encouraged to build on your self-awareness and pride as an Indigenous person as you discuss issues, challenges and opportunities impacting First Nations communities. While examining Indigenous history and culture, you’ll receive guidance through circle and Elders’ teaching.
Are you of Indigenous ancestry?
*Camosun College views any student who is a descendant of the Indigenous peoples of North America to be an Indigenous student. This includes status and non-status Indians, Métis, Inuit and Native Americans who reside in Canada.
You may be eligible for UCEP funding (University College Entrance Preparation) if you're a First Nations Band member.
Thinking of entering this program?
If you have the opportunity to be funded by a band, and you need to upgrade to meet the program prerequisites, do so now and then apply to your band in January or February so that sponsorship is in place for beginning these programs in September. To learn more, drop by or book an appointment to see one of the Indigenous Advisors.
What you'll learn
Current students wanting information about your program, go to student planning in myCamosun.

This eight-month program is designed for students to upgrade their English and Math while concurrently preparing for College and University level coursework. While upgrading their academic and learning skills, students will explore issues of Indigenous identity, wellness and community, and will be supported to develop personal, academic, and career goals.
Program outline
For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the academic calendar.

“Without Indigenous College Prep, I would probably have dropped out by now. But Camosun has given life back to me. I’ve got my spark back. I’m excited again and I can’t wait to get out of bed each day.”
Tuition and fees
Effective from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025
Estimated tuition
Tuition estimates are for the entire program.
Indigenous College Prep, Certificate
$452 (domestic)
Domestic tuition fees vary depending on the individual course fees for the classes you select.
Student fees
In addition to tuition estimates, student fees are calculated based on your enrolment. Refer to: Student Fees.
Financial assistance
There are many financial resources to tap into while you are at college to help with your education and living costs. Apply for scholarships & awards that are specifically given to program students, as well as awards specific to Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen - Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections
Admission requirements
One of:
When you apply you will need to submit proof that you meet the program admission requirements listed above. Where a letter grade is specified, you must have proof of that grade or higher.
For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the Academic Calendar: Loading...
Ready to get started?
Missing admission requirements?
You may be able to take an assessment or upgrade with us.
Need help applying?
Find out more on How to Apply or speak to an Admissions Advisor.
Contact us
If you have questions about this program please contact, 250-370-3299
Faculty/staff profile

Sandee Mitchell, Anishinaabe (Kebaowek and Nbisiing First Nation)
Program Leader IFS & ICP and Elders Voices and Events Coordinator
Ewing Building
Full bio
Faculty/staff profile

Puja Gupta
Acting Associate Dean/Math Instructor
Ewing Building
Full bio
Faculty/staff profile

Faculty/staff profile

Mayu Toyoda
Instructor, Employment Training & Prep
Port A 104A
Full bio

Learn more
For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the academic calendar.
Contact information
Indigenous Education & Community Connections
We want to hear from you!