Parking rates and services are in effect Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 10pm. Staff and short-term lots are available for general use after 5pm with the purchase of a parking permit. There is no overnight parking.
Parking at Camosun
Anyone parking in Camosun parking lots requires an approved parking pass/permit properly displayed in the car windshield, if applicable. Failure to display/purchase a valid parking pass/permit will be subject to immobilization and potential tow-away parking violation.
Parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking spaces cannot be guaranteed or reserved.
Parking at Interurban in lot P8 is free on weekends for Saanich parks and trail users.
Parking rates
- Short Term*: $0.50 for 15 minutes (stay for up to 90 minutes)
- 4 hours: $3.25 for 4 hours
- Full day: $6.50
- Weekly: $32.50 per week
- Purchase up to 4 weeks at a time for $130
*After 5 pm half and full day rates apply.
Parking fees are non-refundable. This includes motorcycle parking.
Note: Parking permits can be used on both campuses. You can purchase a daily ticket at Interurban in the morning and then use the same ticket in the afternoon at Lansdowne.
Motorcycle and scooter parking
- $32.50 per month
- $130 for 4 months (term pass)
Motorcycle passes can be purchased at the Campus Cashiers at Lansdowne (Dawson Building, east entrance) or Interurban (Campus Centre, 2nd floor hallway).
Parking for motorcycles or scooters is available in dedicated motorcycle and scooter areas.
- Lansdowne: Lot P5
- Interurban: Lots P2 and P7
Staff parking
Employees can find staff parking information on the Intranet; a login is required.
Carpool spaces are reserved for those with registered carpool permits until 9 am. More convenience for carpoolers!
Save money on gas, share the cost of parking, and score priority parking in designated carpool spots. Here's how:
- Find a Carpool Buddy.
- Fill out the Carpool Registration PDF - Please note that the first information block on the registration form is for Permit Holders, who will be the individual responsible for the associated group’s carpool permit. Permit Holders will be the carpooling group’s point of contact with the office of Transportation & Parking.
- Bring carpool registration, Camosun ID, and license plate number to the Campus Cashier.
- Obtain the carpool permit and display clearly in vehicle while parking at Camosun.
- Enjoy the prime parking spaces, save money by sharing costs, and reduce your carbon footprint.
Note: Obtaining a carpool permit does not guarantee a space will be available. If no spaces are available, please use general parking.
Eligibility for Camosun's Carpool Program is met by any vehicle containing two or more registered persons (including the driver) arriving in the same registered carpool vehicle, where the occupants would normally be driving and parking as individuals. The vehicle and all occupants must be currently registered in the Carpool program PDF.
Vehicles displaying a carpool permit are exclusively permitted to park in the signed prime carpool spots at both campuses—Lot 6 at Lansdowne and Lot 5 and 9 at Interurban. These spots are reserved for registered carpool permit holders until 9am. If designated spots are full, carpool vehicles may park anywhere in the General Lots.
The cost of the meter ticket is the same to park in these prime spots, but it can be shared among vehicle occupants. To register, simply show College Cashiers (Dawson Building at Lansdowne, Campus Centre at Interurban) a valid Camosun ID for all occupants and license plate numbers for all vehicles participating.
Elder parking stalls
To support the College’s Indigenization and Reconciliation project, and as a symbol of the respect we have for our local Indigenous Elders, we are pleased to provide Elder Parking stalls in Camosun lots.
There are two stalls at the Lansdowne campus in P1 (near Na'tsa'maht) and two stalls at the Interurban campus: P5 (near Portable A), and directly in front of the Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness (CHW).
Note These stalls are exclusively reserved for Indigenous Elders at all times. Cars parked in the Elder Parking stalls without the proper permit granted by Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen will be ticketed or towed at the owner's expense.
Electric Vehicle (EV) charging and parking
Drive to campus in a more sustainable manner. Camosun provides EV Level 2 charging stations at both campuses. Vehicles must have a valid parking permit and parking/charging time is limited to 3 hours.
Where can I purchase parking?
- Daily, weekly, and monthly (4 weeks) parking permits can be purchased at the Robbins parking meters on campus within the parking lots. The meters accept cash (coins) and all major credit cards
- Monthly parking can also be purchased directly from Robbins Parking. For questions about payment and meters please contact Robbins Parking at 250-382-4411
Pay with Honk Mobile
Robbins Parking is excited to be partnering with Honk Mobile to offer a pay-by-phone parking app that makes parking on the Camosun campus more convenient. Please note Honk Mobile charges a transaction fee.
- Be guided to the lot
- Pay for your spot
- Get alerts when your time's almost up
- Effortlessly add extra time
Paying for parking has never been better – or easier! You can download the Honk app for your iOS or Android device.
Please note Honk Mobile charges a transaction fee.
Set started with Honk:
Get Honk
Tell Honk the day, time, and zone where you're parking.
- Lansdowne parking zone - 114
- Interurban parking zone - 177
Sorry! Honk isn't available for short term areas.

Parking violations & appeals
Failure to display a valid parking pass/permit on campus will be subject to a parking violation. Review the appeal process.