IECC - Our Ways of Being

We walk together through Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing and relating. Inspiring relationships in the college setting.

Our Ways of Being

We believe that Indigenous learners, including us, reach our fullest potential and greatest joy when our connections with land and water, identity, and tradition are integrated into the ways we learn and teach.

The Camas represents the values of Generosity, Relationality, Belonging, Responsibility, Mastery, and Respect.

Our Ways of Being honours Kirkness and Barnardt’s 4 R’s and reflects the principles of the Circle of Courage by Dr. Martin Brokenleg: We seek and hold values of generosity, belonging, mastery, relationality, responsibility, and respect. Through this, we bloom a Camas concept map to represent the values that guide our work alongside students to encourage in them—and in ourselves—Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen, good heart, good mind, good spirit.

Our ways of being


Honouring our teachings, we seek and hold values of trust, wisdom, integrity, courage, humility, and love. From this, we walk alongside students to encourage in them – and in ourselves – perseverance, commitment, and excellence.


We believe that Indigenous learners reach their fullest joy and potential as they acknowledge place and engage in learning and teaching while exploring identity and tradition.


We engage in Indigenous education, services, and leadership that enhance student learning and enriches relationships with communities.